Thursday, September 18, 2008

What I Want To Blog About

Personally I would enjoy blogging in response to things like a video or article when I can voice my opinion. Writing in response to something gives me a set thing to write and think about but still allows me to be creative and have a guidline or something to follow sometimes when I have to much freedom I get side tracked and never really complete anything or know what to do so having the ablitly to express my opnion but on a set topic makes it easy to make sure my point makes sense and I have acompished something in the end.

Super Hero

If I where to possess any super heroic trait it would be defiantly the ability to fly. First off flying is pretty much the coolest thing ever and it would be good for the environment as well which is an added bonus I can get around where I want. That ability alone would let me accomplish lots of things because the travel time between where I was going would be minimal. If I where to fly i would need some intense suit or something to protect me from the wind/extreme temperatures plus the fact that if I am thousands of feet in the air it could be hard to breathe so I would need a mask of some sort all these are just minor inconveniences that would be easy to overcome and worth it to be able to travel where I want when I want .